Vonnegut House News Bites July 2019

It’s been a great summer at the Vonnegut House, despite the recently arrived heat!

A few tid bits:

July 2019 is our busiest month ever!

Screenshot from 2019-07-20 18-36-01.png

The Vonnegut House just set a personal record for the most nights rented in a calendar month, 28 nights in July 2019! this beats our previous record in August 2018 of 27 nights rented! A busy home is a happy home! With a heat wave here, the combo of natural lake breezes and geothermal cooling makes us pretty jealous of our July Renters, and appreciate their help in giving us successful moments like this.


Notre Dame Football coming back to Culver for 2019 training camp

The boys in Blue and Gold are coming back to Culver to rehearse their gridiron, try to win one for the Gipper this year. The alleged dates are the 4th-8th of August. We still have a hole in our calendar from the 5th to the 9th. We are likely the closest temporary accommodation to the field,perhaps a half mile walk, so count ourselves their neighbors of sorts. The house is proud of it’s returning neighbors, and hopes they have a good camp and season again..


Thanks to the West SB crew for their great story on their stay

A group of urban renewal specialists from South Bend decided to try some country living in early May, and the Vonnegut House was proud to host them. Jacob Titus and his crew, known at the house as the West SB crew, drove the hour south from our regional hub and settled in for a long weekend of exploring, relaxing, and learning about Culver. They reported on their time at the house and we were pretty pleased with their opinion on the digs, and Culver :

https://westsb.com/content/Vonnegut .

We took it on faith that they were making progress at home, but recently Clemens Jr., who has been to SOB many times over the years, even stayed downtown making a visit to the Studebaker Carriage Factory one snowy winter, was delighted by how much the town has changed and recovered from it’s darkest moments. In his day there were maybe two restaurants downtown, now there are two dozen, and it’s only been a few years. He loved a lot of the food he was able to eat, and how much entertainment he bumped into in just one night. To say the town has changed is an understatement.. it has transformed.

He also developed a crush on the State Street Theater, currently for sale. He knows he has enough on his plate, what with fishing on the lake and running the men’s Calisthenics Club at the Atheneum in Indianapolis, but he dreams it will follow the Morris Theater and be another big success, and dreams of working on it himself!



What a palace!

We love the work these guys are doing, and appreciate they took time to come out to the frontier of South Bend. For some reason, they seem to be getting a lot of hot press right now, and we hope their buddy and boss has a good run!

Check out their work and podcast at WestSB.com or on facebook https://www.facebook.com/westsouthbend/
