Take A Little, Give A Little: Announcing Rate Changes at the Vonnegut House
Fall at the Vonnegut House is a special time…
It’s hard work keeping such an old and beautiful house going, and we’ve now been at it 6 years.
With any business it makes sense to examine things every once in a while, see what is working and what isn’t. The Staff and some of the investors of Old East Shore have done some considering over the last few weeks and months, and decided to make some adjustments to our pricing, both up, and down.
Summer days and nights will from now on retail at $835, up from the $750 we have been charging since 2014. We hope this doesn’t hurt anyone’s ability to come stay with us, but the extra income will help us be better at our mission of giving a quality stay in a unique place. We will also increase the rate for Academy Graduation and Reunion Weekends to $1200 from $1000 per day for future bookings.
Don’t worry if you have already booked with us, we will be maintaining whatever contracts we have already secured and promises we have made.
We’ve conversely decided to remove October from our Spring and Fall Rate of $500, returning it to our Winter rate of $280 per night, excluding busy academy weekends which often go for more. Our Winter Rate reflects our assumption that most winter renters are only using the conditioned 3 bedrooms of the house, and might be adjusted upwardly for larger groups that do choose to use the whole house and put up with a little nip, but we’ll try to sneak leaf peepers and Fall visitors in at these prices if we can sustain it, unless demand becomes dramatically wild, which we aren’t currently expecting!
In addition, September will step down to a 2 night minimum from 5.
Thanks for your understanding, and give us a call to book a stay any time of year, 574-404-7740.